Established 1974
Tour the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA)
Hong Kong Monetary Authority (HKMA) is the de facto central bank of Hong Kong with the responsibility to maintain monetary and banking stability. Singapore Association is organising a visit, a rare opportunity, to the HKMA.
Visitors will be given an interactive briefing on what the HKMA key roles in Hong Kong and a tour of the information centre to understand financial and banking milestones including Hong Kong currency history.
The visit is on 21 September 2018, Friday afternoon 4.00pm to 5.00pm and is limited to only 30 people.
Please meet at 3.45pm, the HKMA lobby, Two International Finance Centre (2IFC) to get a visitor pass.
709-712, Office Tower 2, Metroplaza, 223 Kwai Hing Road, Kwai Fong N.T. Hong Kong